Upon checking out, you will be given your order number. Once your order is confirmed, an order confirmation email will be sent to the email address provided by you.
The email contains:
Your order number
Order summary
Your billing and delivery addresses
Shipping and payment method
If you did not receive a tracking email, check your Spam or Junk email folders. If you still can’t locate this email, check with your administrator to confirm that they have your correct email address on file.
Additional troubleshooting
1. You can search your inbox for the recipient address. Your tracking email will be sent from sales@imanshoppe.com
2. You can add sales@imanshoppe.com to your Safe Senders list (instructions below) and ask your administrator to resend your verification email.
Q: Can I pick up my order from bookstore?
A: All your parcel(s) have been shipped out from our warehouse. We don't provide any Cash On Delivery and strictly no pick up item(s) at our warehouse.